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Balance supply and demand of energy

Energy balancers aim to balance supply and demand in their energy portfolio. Balancers plan and forecast what to produce and consume, process real-time data and monitor positions and act upon them. All this data and realizations are ultimately used to financially settle operations.


Energy balancers

If the energy net is imbalanced, all lights go dark. Balancing the energy net therefore is a crucial task. Energy balancers most commonly face challenges like having to base decisions on unreliable and uncertain information, and therefore not being able to detect positions or options, often leading to imbalance, financial penalties and incompliancy.


Energy Balancers

An energy balancer’s goal is evident: perfectly balancing a complex energy portfolio, powered by fast, accurate, and scalable information that is 24/7 available. Information that enables balancers to understand their options and execute them cost-effectively, while being compliant to market regulations.

Why Energy21?

Energy21 and energy balancers

We help energy balancers by providing high quality data. Data that includes volumes, prices, and accounts for uncertainty, enabling our clients to make good forecasts and settle correctly. Moreover, our software provides market compliancy by seamlessly communicating with centralized data repositories such as EDSN and the MMC Hub.

Want to know more? Let's talk.

