We enable you to make better decisions about your energy operations.
EBASE solutions for Gas Shippers
With energy becoming increasingly important and the dismantling of GasTerra in full throttle, an increasing number of market parties has decided to take on the role of Gas Shipper and have reached out to Energy21 for help.
At Energy21 we enable energy companies to obtain the necessary gas licenses with our unique combination of both experienced energy consultants as well as our proprietary, fit-for-purpose energy software. Our EBASE suite has a powerful energy management core that can be extended with specific energy product packages. One of which is our recent Gas Shipper product: Balancing & Shipping.
Depending on a company's size and specific situation, we currently offer two versions:
1. Gas Shipper – Compliancy
2. Gas Shipper – In Control
The Compliancy package enables organizations to obtain the key Gas Shipper license (“B”). This license qualifies you to trade and supply your own gas portfolio. The product package covers:
- Connecting to EDSN and GTS systems
- Handling gas master connection data messages
- Handling gas allocation data messages
- Handling gas reconciliation data messages
- Creating and sending gas (re-)nominations and programs
With the Compliancy package an energy business knows its real time gas portfolio, is able to send its forecasted gas production and consumption - plus any updates - and can process the actuals from EDSN and GTS.
A growing and more complex gas portfolio calls for better insights and more steering options. Therefore Energy21 offers an In Control package. This package extends the Compliancy features with:
- Intraday balancing messages (i.e. portfolio imbalance signal and near-real time data)
- Gas balancing dashboards
- Generic reports
- Data validation checks
- Data consistency and completeness cross-checks
With the In Control package a Gas Shipper is in full control of its gas portfolio and has the tools in place to minimize its imbalance costs, improving its margins and competitive edge.
At Energy21 we have the software and experience to unlock the full potential of any gas portfolio. Interested in the opportunities? Visit our Balancing & Shipping solutions page, or Contact us!